Engage customers at the moment of purchase
Amplify your brand’s message to consumers throughout the store to increase awareness and boost seasonal campaign visibility.
- CMX™ offers 2.5M+ digital and physical promotional signage placements at more than 7,400 store locations
- Reach customers through in-store audio messages with campaigns targeted geographically and demographically and dayparted to the hour
- Combining in-store and online opportunities allows your brand to reach customers everywhere they may be
daily in-store visitsCVS® is the destination for everyday needs — from personal care to wellness and everyday essentials.*
locationsCVS is the largest retail pharmacy chain in America.*
unique shoppersvisit CVS stores a year.
Source: 2023 internal data, includes loyalty and non-loyalty shoppers.
of the U.S. populationlives within 10 miles of a CVS, leading to over 5 million interactions daily with our customers.*
of in-store tripsare determined same day.*
3 in 4
in-store tripsare for daily essential purchases across multiple categories.*
*Source: 2023 internal data.